Post by Zadkiel on Jan 12, 2016 23:42:25 GMT
The British mandate in Palestine gave the task of translating and publishing most of the Dead Sea Scrolls to the French priest Roland de Vaux, who was the director of L'École Biblique et Archéologique Français de Jerusalem, a Catholic educational institution with close ties to the Vatican. For this important work, he established an international team of Bible scholars with the same basic religious view as the one that he professed himself. No outsiders were allowed to participate in the project for many years and those that held the monopoly on scroll releases delayed this work so suspiciously that many scholars finally began to talk about "a scandal". The international team excused itself with "hard work pressure" and similar banalities, but it is clear that the real reason for the incredible delay must have been a very different issue of theological nature. The Catholic Church frantically tried to insist on its traditional view in order not to lose credibility. Therefore, the small enclave of conservative Bible scholars tried to delay the release of those Dead Sea Scrolls that prove that the opposite is true, namely that the Church is wrong on many key points, as long as possible. This is also the reason why the international team has constantly harassed all opposition and criticism of its activities. It has been claimed that some of the Dead Sea Scrolls that one for sure know existed in the international team's custody have mysteriously disappeared and this is unfortunately not unexpected, since the Church for nearly 2000 years by dishonest means has actively conducted a censoring policy, to silence all opposition to their dogmas. For instance, Professor James Charlesworth has spent many years searching for lost Dead Sea Scrolls that he knows once existed.